
Diamonds Are Forever! - Diamonds - Did you know that a diamond is at least a million years old? The pressure and temperature necessary to form diamond from its pure carbon state took place approximately 250 miles deep inside the earth millions of years ago. Over millions of years of volcanic action, wind and water erosion; diamonds where gradually brought to the surface of the Earth and exposed for man to discover. In about the 15th century, it was discovered that one diamond crystal could cut and polish another. This was the first realization of the potential beauty of the stone when cut and polished. Since diamond is the hardest substance known to man, the only thing that will scratch a diamond is another diamond. The hardness relates to the density of the molecular structure and its resistance to scratching. This should not be confused with toughness. A diamond has a grain much like that of a piece of wood. A diamond can be chipped and broken (cleaved) if struck with sufficient force along these grains. Today, diamonds are still cut with the time honoured techniques using diamond saws and diamond dust polishing wheels. However, new technologies have improved the speed and accuracy of diamond cutting. Computers are used to study a rough diamond crystal and map out the exact cutting points and directions. Then a computer guided laser is used to perform the cuts. The skill necessary to study a rough diamond crystal and determine the best way to cut it to maximize the weight and bring out the beauty of the stone requires incredible talent plus years of training and experience. Diamonds are cut all over the world, however more than half the world's diamonds are cut in Antwerp, Belgium. Other important cutting regions are: South Africa, Israel, India.